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GRCTC Engineering


We are a team at the GRCTC trying to seek a way to clean off Firefighter Boots. We’ve seen that firefighters go into dangerous areas with mucus,blood,mud and other gross materials they can get on their boots. This makes it hard for them to get the boots clean and it ends up taking over an a hour to get it clean. And it puts them at risk getting ad disease and bringing it back to their homes. Now we are going to tackle this issue by using deep cleaning tech to help the boots more easily get cleaned and kill any bacteria on them.

Who We Work With

The GRCTC is a career and technical center that serves juniors and seniors from all seven high schools within Garland ISD. It helps students discover and put to use their strengths

Garland Fire Dept.png

This is the Fire Department that is working with the FRBC to help assist their Firefighters to clean the boots to prevent them to get a disease. 



Steven Tharp

Steven Tharp was an electrical design engineer at Texas Instruments and worked for a series of start up companies. He helps assist with the hardware devolpment of the FRBC box device.

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